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Monday, September 18, 2023

Area of verious Geometric shapes


Geometry encompasses various shapes and figures, each with its own formula for calculating area. Here are some common geometric shapes and their respective area formulas:

1. Rectangle:

   - Area = Length × Width

   \[A = l × w\]

2. Square:

   - Area = Side × Side (since all sides are equal)

   \[Area = s² \]

3. Triangle:

   \[Area =\frac{ (Base × Height)}{  2}\]

   \[A =\frac{ (b × h)}{ 2}\]

4. Circle:

   \[Area = π × Radius²\]

   \[A = πr²\]

5. Trapezoid:

   - \[Area =\frac{ (Sum \ of \ the \ lengths \ of \ parallel \ sides) }{2} × Height\]

   - \[A = \frac{(a + b) }{ 2} × h\]

6. Parallelogram:

   - Area = Base × Height

   - \[A = b × h\]

7. Ellipse:

   - Area = π × Major Radius × Minor Radius

   \[A = πab\]

8. Regular Polygon (with apothem):

   - \[Area = \frac{(Perimeter × Apothem) }{2}\]

   - \[A = \frac{(P × a) }{2}\]

9. Sector of a Circle:

   - \[Area = \frac{θ}{360} × πr²\]

   - \[A =\frac{θ}{360} × πr² \](where θ is the central angle in degrees)

10. Rhombus:

    - \[Area = \frac{(Diagonal₁ × Diagonal₂) }{ 2}\]

    - \[A = \frac{(d₁ × d₂) }{2}\]

11. Equilateral Triangle:

    - \[Area = Side² × \frac{\sqrt3}{ 4}\]

    - \[A =\frac{ \sqrt{3}}{ 4}s^2\]

These are some of the most commonly used area formulas in geometry. Remember to use the appropriate units for measurements to get the area in the desired units (e.g., square meters, square inches, etc.).

Some workout Exercises:- 

1. Find area of the equilateral triangle with side 6 cm.
2. Find the area of the parallelogram with base 20 cm and height 15 cm.
3. Find the side of the square whose area is 64 sq m.

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Area of verious Geometric shapes

  Geometry encompasses various shapes and figures, each with its own formula for calculating area. Here are some common geometric shapes and...